Saturday, 5 May 2012


Photobucket This is an eggplant on steroids. It is huge. What to do with it?

Chris: "Is that your new sex toy?"
Hyperactive: "Uhm, yeah."

Photobucket We're gonna make "Tortang Talong" - eggplant fritters.

This huge eggplant must be sliced and boiled.

Photobucket When the taut, purple skin starts to wrinkle,
take it out of the boiling water at once.

Beat 2 extra large eggs.
(I enjoyed saying that.)

Photobucket Brush a non-stick frying pan
with a bit of extra-virgin (I enjoyed saying that, too) olive oil.

Squish your eggplant directly onto the pan using a fork.

Pour the eggs over the eggplant.

In order to make this dish truly Hyperactive,
sprinkle a couple  

(or more, if you like) 
of fresh, chopped up Bird's Eye chillies.

Restrain from using salt.
Salt is bad, according to my ripped brother-in-law, Ronnie Roh.
(I believe him.)

Don't wait 'til the egg goes brown and crinkly - that's disgusting. 
Take your Tortang Talong out of the pan whilst the eggs are still slightly runny.

Photobucket Serve. 

// YUM. //


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