Sunday 13 May 2012


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That, and a whole lot of love and selflessness, is what it took for you to raise a big family.

(Pain, especially - if you're gonna pop six kids as though it were just all-in-a-day's-work...)

Funny that, when everyone's all grown up, they leave... 

The first to Hong Kong, the second to Florida, the third to Seoul, the fourth to Singapore, the fifth to the seminary and the sixth to vet med school.  

(Isn't that the hallmark of a good Filipino family...?)

A couple of years before you become a senior citizen, what are you left with?

An aging husband, an old house, a small business, 
fading memories...

The promise that soon - very soon - you will become a grandmother.

Another child will be born.

Another little Gannaban to love.

Another affirmation from God that yes - YES. - you have raised a loving family. 

And you did it well.

// Happy Mother's Day, Mommy // 

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