Monday 11 June 2012


Senator Franklin Drilon and The Hyperactive Gay Boy™
emma hammonds bono albania thuy dong james gannaban paul ramscar
Charity Belles: Emma Hammonds, Bono Albania, Thuy Dong, James Gannaban, Paul Ramscar
paul ramscar bono albania emma hammonds james gannaban
Clockwise: Emma Hammonds, James Gannaban, Paul Ramscar, Bono Albania
An autographed print of National Artist Jose Joya's Madonna and Child
Clowning around and being Hyperactive, because why not?
When all else fails, leave your mark on the white linen.

This is getting harder and harder, I'm not gonna lie.

I die inside when I realize that the Philippine Independence Day Charity Ball, hosted by the Philippine Association of Hong Kong in the Grand Ballroom of the Kowloon Shangri-La, falls smack in the middle of my detox.

Detox Diva Deborah Dewey e-mails:

Dear James, 

I trust you have been sticking to the detox to the T. For best results do stay with the program :)


OK, I am torn between bailing out on the event and bailing out on my detox. But since the invite came from my dear friend, Bono Albania (who is a Parkview taitai - and we all know how these taitais are about their charity balls), I happily come into some sort of a solution:

I replace both breakfast and lunch with a shake and resolve to eat sensibly at the dinner table.

My tuxedo is a bit baggy, I'm not too devastated to find out. It means that my detox is working.

Bono, bearing a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, picks me up from my and Chris' flat. The cork stays in place. I hustle my Hyperactive and Bono's filthy rich taitai asses into a cab, which then merits consternation from a clueless girl who thought the cab was hers. She yells: "Dooooood!?!?!" and throws her hands indignantly up in the air. Girleen, you think I care?

The charity ball is a hoot.

Firstly, the parade of Pinays in their Atelier Versace frocks and ginormous Cartier rock candy puts the Real Housewives of New Jersey to shame. The Real Housewives of Kowloon Tong have been primped, permed, pinched and pulled into macabre perfection.

"Beats L.A.," Paul Ramscar whispers in awe at the parade of Botoxed beauties.

"So many sugar daddies around," a skinny guy with an American twang smirks.

"Watch it," I warn him. "YOU are not allowed to say that. Not here, not now."

"Whoa," he says, putting his hands up in mock defeat. "Don't wanna get my ass kicked."

Secondly, the parade of politicians / diplomats promising "I won't take too much of your time..." on the microphone do just that, exactly. I am bored to tears - except I am laughing at the exquisite absurdity of having to sit through another 20 minutes about former Chief Justice Renato Corona's impeachment.

Thirdly, the affair is so flagrantly showbiz! Aga Muhlach? Lovi Poe?!

"Let's have a photo with her," Paul nudges me towards Lovi.

"WHY?!?!" I practically wail in bewilderment.

"Because she's pretty," Paul says firmly.

"Lovi," I say with a straight (ha ha) face, "my dear friend, Paul, is a fan of yours. We would be honoured if you took a photo with us."

Paul Ramscar Lovi Poe James Gannaban
With "one of the the most popular 'artists' in the Philippines today," Lovi Poe. She's pretty. Paul and Emma said so. Confeermed.

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