Thursday 11 October 2012


trevor alt

I first met Trevor in the W Hotel, at the launch party of Mr Gay Hong Kong. Heihei Yau, Mr Gay Hong Kong 2010, facilitated introductions.

"Trevor is joining," Heihei said simply, in his usual manner.

And that was, quite simply, how we found Trevor.

Trevor is simply one of the most physically flawless creatures I've met. Perfect face, body, smile... He was made to be admired - like a Boticelli, maybe. And as a performer, he knew exactly how to use his physical assets to his greatest advantage. He took beautiful photographs, he made for an engaging interview, he compelled attention whenever he was in the public eye. He was charming and polite and delightfully quotable - but imminently competitive. After all, the life of a performer is one endless stream of auditions.

Simply, are you right for the part?

During the Grand Finale, he walked into rehearsals toting a McDonald's Happy Meal. I smiled inwardly, thinking that it takes an incredible amount of confidence to ingest junk food prior to a competition. Yet, reliable as ever, he performed perfectly.

Trevor, we are honoured to have had you trust in the process.

Quite simply, thank you.


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