Sunday 10 March 2013


chi ma wan photo IMG_5588_zpsc7a7c76a.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5592_zps89e960ef.jpg chi ma wan photo IMG_5608_zps126aa0a9.jpg chi ma wan photo IMG_5612_zpsa8f7f92f.jpg chi ma wan photo IMG_5622_zpse4105593.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5626_zps28cb81de.jpg chi ma wan reservoir photo IMG_5632_zpsb2e72b5a.jpg chi ma wan reservoir photo IMG_5637_zps27b3ce3f.jpg chris adams photo IMG_5645_zps93809114.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5649_zps0d7a0b2e.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5662_zpsb35f8c13.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5666_zps7f76b529.jpg chi sun penitentiary photo IMG_5671_zpsc65f3b03.jpg chris adams photo IMG_5672_zps4a2ae07e.jpg james gannaban photo IMG_5677_zps24922a36.jpg james gannaban chrus adams photo IMG_5680_zps0a213238.jpg

We had lunch at the Chi Ma Wan Reservoir. It was so serene. The air was punctuated only by the sounds of ravens.

Walking further down towards the coast, we chanced upon the Chi Sun Correctional Institution. Of course our imaginations went haywire with gay prison fantasies. Alas, the facility has been closed - methinks due to the low prevalence of (prosecuted) crime in Hong Kong.

We weren't entirely sure how to proceed with the walk, and so it was fortunate that a ferry to Cheung Chau was just about to dock. We jumped into it - and onward to another island for a few more hours of make-it-as-you-go-along adventure.

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