Monday 18 March 2013


 photo IMG_6280_zps96967d6e.jpg  photo IMG_6273_zps32eafdfd.jpg PETER SARGANT HARLAN GOLDSTEIN photo IMG_6279_zps477a90cd.jpg  photo IMG_6282_zps59c9638d.jpg lauren milsop photo IMG_6288_zpsce246228.jpg  photo IMG_6293_zps0f3ff130.jpg lauren milsop photo IMG_6296_zpseb7d763e.jpg  photo IMG_6305_zpsf5468584.jpg

We got together before sundown. I had just finished my gig hosting Hard Rock Rising at Hard Rock Cafe and was on my way to Lauren's rooftop with two bags of ice. Her fun-loving guests had apparently gone through the entire stock of ice even before the grill was fired up. Typical, I thought. After all, our dear friend, Simon J McKinless, had just flown in from Singapore to join the festivities.

Guests flowed in and out through over 9 hours of solid partying. We went through countless bags of chips, breasts of chicken, bottles of bubbly... The girls took turns playing DJ, plugging in anybody's iPod as another's battery ran out.

It was good to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones in the process. A bit of a touchy-feely statement, but you only really get to know people (especially ones who lead such public professional lives) in the privacy of a home.  

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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