Sunday 17 March 2013

The Diva Video Of The Day™ Sally Dworsky & Michelle Pfeiffer / When You Believe

I've always loved the story of the Israelites' flight from Egypt. I swear it has nothing to do with Charlton Heston. Although I admit, there was something vaguely sexy about all that snowy facial hair...

"When You Believe," recorded by Whitney and Mariah, is that rare song that gets miraculously created despite everyone else saying it can't be done. Another example is "Tell Him" by Barbra and Celine, although "When You Believe" is a bit more extraordinary due to the nature of the rivalry between the Whitney and Mariah camps.

Whitney, may she rest in peace, was a legend of our times. Mariah, bless her heart, is still fighting to stay relevant by inventing a rivalry with Nicki Minaj.

Thankfully, this song lives forever.

I like the movie version much better for its purity of tone.

 photo IMG_3477_zpse0ad7d71.jpg// THE HYPERACTIVE GAY BOY™ //

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