Monday 3 June 2013


A gay boy's music collection is his smallest unit of privacy. The moment he plugs in a pair of earphones, he goes completely into himself and the rest of the world blessedly disappears. I enjoy looking at what my friends have on their playlists; you can tell what a person is like based on what they listen to.

This one is from Josh's playlist. It says he likes cotton candy and glitter. It says he believes in positive thinking. He believes in the triumph of the human spirit. He is fun and confident and is unafraid to show how much sass he truly has. He may occasionally sport colourful, funky hair and adventurous styling, but at the core, he believes in traditional values like hope and love and rainbows. And because he's settled so well into who he is, he is fearless.

Josh is soon getting married to his partner, Todd.    

These wings were made to fly!

 photo IMG_6254_zps4e734162.jpg

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