Tuesday 12 June 2012


Ryeness and Jamesie in Volume BEAT / Photo by Derek Ng

This is the easiest day, I reckon, because I'm too tired to go anywhere. Nothing on my Social Calendar. Nothing. Yay.

I arrive home at 7.30am from partying in Volume BEAT, then, in my dear friend Rye's place afterwards. Chris is already hard at work in the study with his discussion paper on Vietnam.

I realize only when I get home that I left my phone at Rye's place. I don't receive my regular phone call from my Detox Diva Deborah Dewey; no energy left to check my e-mail for Deb's daily cheer-me-up, either.

I just collapse in bed and proceed to slumber for the next 10 hours...

It's Sunday.

Honestly, I don't know how I managed to survive the entire week on detox whilst keeping up with my social obligations... I guess I have to own up to it: I am an extrovert, after all...

But not today.

"You guys are egging me on," my dear friend, Evan (a.k.a. DJ Stonedog - Volume's Creative Director) told me and Rye last night. Rye and I did burn up the ledge last night. It was so fun, much thanks to my detox. It has been a while since I've felt good enough about myself to actually get up and dance without my fatty bits bouncing all over the place. Simple pleasures.  

So today, I'm happy to be a vegetable.

American Ninja Warrior / NBC

I'm watching hunks with ginormous muscles power through the obstacles leading up to the mythical Mt. Midoriyama, in NBC's American Ninja Warrior.

I reckon I could ask Chris to "Please pass the mustard" so I could spread it all over the sausages on display... But I don't.

Instead, I reach for the healthy stuff.


// ME = SUPERFRUIT. //  

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