“We broke up,” Ryan shared.
“What?!” I exclaimed.
“We went to Bali for our 6th anniversary. All I could ever think of was – can I handle six more years of this? I realized I enjoyed being with my friends more than being with him.”
“Oh, Ryan…” was all I could say. Ryan, an independent film maker, is one of my best friends. We proceeded to eat our meal in silence.
Moments later, Ryan’s iPhone buzzed. A smile slowly spread over his face as he scanned the incoming message. Then he leaned over and whispered into my ear, “I’m a slut.”
“What?! Show me,” I demanded.
Ryan was on Grindr.
“What kind of boy you like?” a twink messaged him. “Cute, sissy or boylish?”
We burst out laughing. I shamelessly looked over Ryan's shoulder as he progressed through the entire Grindr conversation. Meanwhile, our dessert melted.
Twink: wa. Hao (very) man
Ryan: Fat not man haha
Twink: u top or btm ar. I like little fat
Ryan: I’m top. U?
Twink: btm. so I can c u are manly
Ryan: Anyway my name is Ryan and I’m from Singapore.
Twink: oh nice. what btm u like? Where do u live ar?
Ryan: I’m staying at Paterson Street.
Twink: oic. hotel or… what btm u like?
Ryan: I’m ok with anything, as long as the other person doesn’t smoke.
Twink: ok. u like cute sissy boylish or…
Ryan: I actually like guys who are a little bit soft.
Twink: I am.
Ryan: Nice

Twink: u have strong or hairy legs?
Ryan: I have thick calves and hairy legs.
Twink: what’s is calves?
Ryan: The part between the ankle and the knee.
Twink: I’m no need handsome. I like strong legs or hairy legs. do u have hairy legs pic?
(Ryan sends a pic of his leg)
Twink: wa. too close la. make far is better. hard to see.
Ryan: (R sends another pic of leg) Can see better?
Twink: can’t c wor… why. u like btm sissy or boylish?
Ryan: I’m ok with both cos I like guys who are bit soft.
Twink: what’s mean soft?
Ryan: Soft means a bit sissy.
Twink: oic. soft like a girl?
Ryan: Yes I like

Twink: so how soft u want?
Ryan: Actually I get very turned on if the btm sounds like he’s in pain haha.
Twink: really. loud is ok?
Ryan: Yes, want to give me your number?
The next day, Ryan messaged me: “Good morning, bud. I had wild, passionate sex. But not with the boylish one. He never showed up.”
Love is a drug that gives you control of the cockpit – the same drug that just as easily sets you airborne in a cycle of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Love takes many forms, chief among which is self-love. Pestilence be unto the love-fascists who demand that the only form love must take is a martyr-like self-sacrifice.
Ryan knows best: “Guys always ask me if they’re ever going to see me again. I answer No – I never help myself to seconds. There’s just too many guys, too little time.”
With Affection,
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