Thanks to Henry of MTF for the screen caps!
Hello, Friends!
Tennis Balls are back with one of our all-time favourites, dear old Nole!
But... what in the world is our World No. 1 doing???
There are three visual hints here:
1. The lapel mic, which means he may have done or is just about to do an interview;
2. The deserted court, which means it must have been booked exclusively for a purpose; and
3. The obvious branding (shirt! shorts! socks! shoes!), which means the purpose could be a marketing exercise to get people talking about adidas' sports apparel.
What other possible reasons might there be for Nole to be adjusting his... uhm, clothes with such physical fervour?
While our minds are busy werqing, let's enjoy the photo below of the Nole we all know and love. Doesn't he look excited? Well, so are we.
Three cheers for the champ!
With Affection,
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