Sunday, 15 January 2012

A Postcard from Antipolo



Dear Hyperactive,

How are you?

It's my third week in Antipolo. It rains sometimes which is a bummer but weather's generally pleasant, all things considering. 

Thanks for letting me stay in your house. It's almost too big for one person alone...  I'm learning to cook Filipino dishes (failing miserably) and discovering a spooky addiction to cleaning everything (twice - coz it's my exercise). I'm doing karaoke, reading paperbacks left behind by your sister, Loren, and digging around for any more DVDs that I haven't yet seen. 

No TV reception, but that's fine. I never really enjoyed telenovelas or variety shows all that much anyway.

Water pressure is great. Garbage collection and drinking water delivery are frighteningly regular. And although there are mosquitoes occasionally, there are no rats or roaches. Am I really in the Philippines???

So yeah - everything's getting easier by the day except my ongoing battle with loneliness, depression, and the internet connection. I guess I am in the Philippines, after all.

Isolation is the ultimate irony, especially since the house was purchased with savings from your choice to make yourself available to people every time, all the time - entertainment, service, emotional there-ness through your willing and ready physical presence. I don't know how you did it all, but at least I can see where it's all gone towards. I'm living in it!

So thanks again for letting me use your place. I hope to know soon how much longer I'll need to hang out here for.

"You're just fish out of water right now," my friend, Jo, told me. "You look hot, you're in a functional relationship, you've got lotsa time to kill. Not a bad problem for quarter life. Chill."

Let's hope she's right :)

Meanwhile, please enjoy the photos I took of your house! Tomorrow I'll take more photos in daylight, too, so you can see better what an incredible thing you've got here.

Until then, take care.

With Affection,





// Woodberry Heights //